I started this calendar year off without a development contract. Not surprisingly, updating all the profiles for my online presence became a priority and I started by updating my resume. My linkedin profile soon thereafter got a fresh coat of paint as well.

This “freshening” must have caused a disturbance in the force. It wasn’t long before the magical tracking cookies of the internet aligned and I started seeing article suggestions for making my github readme more awesome. I remembered listening to a Hanselminutes podcast episode where the guest had mentioned awesome github readmes.

In an interesting “Six Degrees of Bacon” sort of way, I followed a suggested Google “discoery” link to Braydon Coyer’s post for creating such a thing and set about learning how to improve my presence on github and make a more attention grabbing and informative README file. I followed link from Braydon’s post to learn about using a github action to pull in recent blog post articles from a post by Darsh Shah. True to the degrees of Hanselman, I discovered a link to none other than Monica Powell and yet another awesome article with tips on creating an engaging readme file to go along with my github repos.

For me, there is an extra slice of “bacon”. While typing this up it occurred to me where I’d encountered the family name “Coyer”. I was working on a development project last spring for a David Coyer, Braydon’s father. It truly is a small world.

Now, the fun part of actually creating an awesome, engaging, and informative readme file for my github profile… Stay tuned.